Okay, so lets see if this works.
Scooter and I have been talking about doing this laundry room for... well since we have moved into the house, so almost 2 years. The main problem has been the water heater. We originally had a tank less water heater in the attic. Our well water let that happen about 6 months, and then we had to go with the conventional water heater, which takes up a lot more room.
Last Saturday we decided we were going to move the water heater into the attic. Kinda scary siting in the attic waiting for 2 boys to push an empty water heater up an extension ladder, and me just catching the ladder as it is going to fall on the boys.
After receiving much grief for my 10 foot ceilings (I will not budge they look beautiful, so what if changing a light bulb is a 30 minute process). I said, "Move it back to the Laundry room."
My thinking was, we are going to have to change this water heater out some day. And since I plan on living out my years in this home, I do not want to see my 60 year old husband, man handling a water heater just so I could have a larger laundry room.
The water heater in the laundry room, while not my favorite still makes the most sense. We went through a couple plans to change it up, but none really worked until Tuesday.
Scooter came home from work and said, "Okay just hear me out, don't roll your eyes, just listen." So I did, and it is a wonderful idea. I guess I will have to not get so upset when my girls roll their eyes at me, seems they might come by it naturally.
So since Tuesday, I have been on the phone finding out prices, thinking about plans for counter tops, buying paint and all the other things that need to get done.
So here we are. I am going to post some before pictures. Today I plan on painting. I will be getting rid of what some in Texas call, the UT Orange (University of Texas). Scooter is sure the actual name of the color is, "Ugly A#@ Orange." I still like it, but it does not go with my Master Plan.
so stay tuned and watch the progress, hope you enjoy.