Oh my gravy,
I am sick of being sick, being around sick people, and living in a mess. You would think that a laundry room would not cause such crazy living situations, but it really does. Think about it, when you do laundry, sometimes (at least I hope I am not the only one) you may not fold the laundry right away, or you have a pile of things that are a bit funky that need to be washed but the washer is going, so you put it on the floor in front of the washing machine... plus all the other things that got on in a laundry room. Then to make it worse all the stuff in my laundry room is all around my house, in random places.
Then add sickness on top of that. So not only is my project on super slow. (Is there a term for super slow, if it is fast, you can say warp speed, or turbo, or hyper, I am at a blank for slow...)
After laying around with sick kids, or being sick, or sick husband I got the caulking done today. Which sounds like very little, and it is, however considering I could not even stand 24 hours ago, I feel pretty okay with my progress.
I am not posting any pictures of the caulking, because, well it is kinda a before and after thing, so I will just post after I get the cabinets painted. I was hoping for a tomorrow start (Tuesday) but Dahlia lost her cookies again right before bed, so we shall see. I am just hoping that this is just a continuation and not round 2. Kinda like, when does it stop being an after shock, and become a new earthquake? Is there a length of time to determine such things?
I am just full of questions, see what happens on lots of sleep and little calories.
I also failed to mention on my earlier post about the moulding being completed, I also received an outlet for my 4 foot of counter space (look on the bead board). Pretty fancy huh. The broom closet also got a light and a switch to turn on said light. It is crazy it is better then we originally planned it when we built the house. However if we would have finished the laundry room prior to moving into the house, we really would have been up a creek with the tank less water heater failure and what have you. I am so happy with it all. I think it is going to be super useful, and handy as pocket on underwear.
Now everyone go wash your hands, and go find someone to use one of Dandee's "word ring" words on. The "word ring" is a ring of sight or commonly used words that do not always follow the phonic rules. One of the new ones this week is LOVE. So go use it on someone. Doing both things (washing your hand and saying you love someone)will make you feel much better, now and later.
talk at you soon.